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Cheap liquid hand soap for export

liquid hand soap of all kinds is one of the most consumed products, especially at home, and plays a very important role in our health. Perhaps this high consumption and high demand for purchases has caused many soap factories to work together. Compete. There are many types of soap available on the market and if you are a little careful you can buy the best soap.

Cheap liquid hand soap for export

Best way to buy liquid hand soap

 Best way to buy liquid hand soap Liquid soaps have been on the market for many years. These soaps are made for hand washing and are very versatile. One of the disadvantages of liquid soaps is the dryness that occurs after application to the skin. But one of the important benefits of these soaps is their health compared to solid soaps.

Paper soaps are just as good as solid and liquid soaps and can be used when solid and liquid soaps are unavailable. Feature of liquid hand soap are perfect for traveling and take up little space in your bag. Paper soaps are less palatable than other soaps, so you should usually wash your hands twice to ensure they are clean.

If you are going to buy solid soap, first and foremost determine your type of consumption. Solid soaps made for the face or body may differ, for example, in soap compositions, there may be more emollients, while body soaps may not have such a feature, and if body soap is used. There may be allergies.

While soap, like creams, does not stay on the skin for a long time, it should be carefully considered when shopping. Soaps that contain herbal ingredients are a better option for purchase and can give the skin softness and softness, but these types of soaps are usually sold at a higher price.

Soaps such as crabs and sharks are on the market whose makers claim to eliminate stains and skin problems completely. These soaps may have a positive effect on your skin to some extent, but you should not expect a miracle and 100% improvement. So it is best to consult a dermatologist instead of buying these soaps.

Best liquid hand soap are much more versatile than solid soaps. When buying a toilet soap, it should be noted that it must have softening agents. It is much better to buy toilet paper in foam because it reduces the consumption of water and the liquid itself, while less detergent will enter the sewage. In addition, the use of foam keeps the skin soft.

Paper soaps are not as varied as other soaps. To buy these soaps, it is best to choose those that have plastic wrap because those soaps that have paper wrap will break down very quickly in contact with water.

Traditional soaps have been very popular in the past, but are not well received today. These soaps are mostly sold in Atari and their variety is not high. Non-packaged soaps with a tapered appearance are called “turntable soaps”. These soaps have been used in the past for head and body washing, but are now mostly used for washing clothes. Olive soaps are a better option to buy, but these traditional soaps should be packaged with health and manufacturing licenses. If these soaps are high quality, they can provide softness and softness in the skin and hair.

Wholesalers and suppliers of liquid hand soap

The wholesale price of the toilet liquid from the manufacturer is very cheap and affordable. Therefore, liquid hand soap bulk purchasing from the factory is profitable for both the buyer and the manufacturer. The The wholesale price of the toilet liquid from the manufacturer is very cheap and affordable. Therefore the wholesale purchase from the factory is both profitable for the buyer and the manufacturer. The price is the highest and best quality toiletries with a valid brand. And the price of a toilet liquid is substantially cheaper than buying it in bulk. The manufacturer determines the price of the raw material; the quality of the product; the cost of production and the rate approved by the government and other prices. At the same time, the selling price of the toilet has been changing dramatically due to market fluctuations and currency prices.liquid hand soap price is different.

The buyer is the toilets distributors and its packaging plant. The manufacturing company buys this product mainly from the manufacturer and sells at a higher price and makes a profit. The bulk buyer also buys bulk toiletries and packs and markets.price is the highest and best quality toiletries with a liquid hand soap brands. And the price of a toilet liquid is substantially cheap.

How to Use liquid hand soap?

How to Use liquid hand soap?Learning the right way to wash your hands is one of the essentials to maintaining good health. This is not a difficult or time consuming task and it can easily protect your health. If all people in the community wash their hands properly, the virus and germs will no longer be transmitted to one another and different environments (homes, hospitals, kindergartens, offices and workplaces, etc.) will be removed and cleared of pathogenic elements.

Consider each of these hand washing steps:

1. Soak your hands in clean, running water (cold or hot). Close the faucet and go to the soap bar.

2. Rub your hands together so that the soap is foamy. Wash hands with soap on the back, between the fingers and under the nails.

3. Continue rubbing each other’s hands for at least 5 seconds. If you don’t know how long it is 2 seconds, read “Happy Birthday” 4 times to the end, until 5 seconds. Or count: 1, 2, 2 to 2.

4. Rinse hands thoroughly with clean, flowing water;

5. Dry hands with a clean towel or dryer.

Different uses of liquid hand soap in different fields

With the use of toilet paper, the use of soap molds in homes has become less and less people are going to buy solid soaps. But if you are aware of the uses of soap in home affairs, each time you go shopping, you will put one or two molds of soap in your cart to take advantage of the particular capabilities of this valuable material in your home.

Imagine how life was going on centuries ago and when soaps and hygiene products were not invented. What did people do for personal hygiene and bathing? Maybe you can imagine more of your solid soaps in those days. Do you have a few molds in your house that you don’t know what to do with? Do you think solid soaps are no longer useless? Have you ever been reluctant to solve trivial problems like tightening your zipper or luggage or zippering your country and not knowing the solution? So go for the same solid soap molds.

It may not seem like a lot of soap to do except hand and body wash at home, but if your job is tied up and wasted, soap will open up your business, and you will appreciate it more and more with a miracle. The name of the soap will be reconciled.

  • types of liquid hand soap:

Washing dishes:

You can use soap to wash dishes. Just apply a little soap on a scotch or dishwashing sponge and wash your dishes.

Wash your teeth: 

Apply a small amount of soap on your toothbrush and brush your teeth with it Preparation of liquid soap. To do this, take a solid soap mold and grate about a quarter. Prepare a cup of filtered water. If you also have extract oil, you can pour a few drops into your liquid soap.

Now grate the soap and pour the water into a frying pan and place it on a medium flame of gas and stir constantly until the soap is completely dissolved in the water. Wait for it to cool completely and then pour this solution into a toilet liquid holder.

It takes about 2 hours to get to the toilet, but it’s definitely not as thick as the toiletries available. It can be hard to pump. After 5 hours, shake the retainer completely and enjoy your home toiletries.

Disinfectant of vegetables and fruits:

Combine a quarter cup of grated solid soap with two cups of cold water and a tablespoon of vinegar and use to wash fruits and vegetables.

Removing stains on clothes:

Another use of soap is to remove stains on clothing. If you see your clothes get stained or dirty, or if you have different spots on your clothes, draw a little solid soap on the stains and then wash them to remove them quickly. You can also dissolve a solid soap mold in boiling water and pour it into the washing machine.

Do not blacken the bottom of the pot:

If you plan to go camping, pull the bottom of your pot into a layer of solid soap. This thin layer of solid soap makes the floor of the pot you put on the fire not blackened and easily washed. Soap can be used to clean any soot or black on dishes and pots.

Keep nails clean:

If you plan to work in the garden or anything else that causes your hands to get into contact with dirt, draw your nails on a solid soap mold before you get started. This will prevent dirt and mud from sticking around your nails and will quickly be washed and cleaned.

Painting the house:

When painting a home, you can draw a solid soap mold on the edges of windows, door handles, keys, and sockets so they can be easily wiped off if the paint drops splash on them.

Zippering and keys and pushbuttons:

If the zipper of your bag or luggage gets stuck; the keys to the house are not easily rotated or the drawer closures are barely open, just apply a little solid soap to their hinges to fix the problem. This is one of the most useful uses of soap in daily life.

Insects’ foxes:

If you see small insects on the leaves of your plants, make some water and soap and sprinkle them in a spray bottle and spray the liquid on the lower part of the leaves. Put a little soap in the drawer of your clothes so that your clothes will not moth


Put one or more molds of dry solid soap in plastic bags and put them in drawer drawer, suitcase, or home drawer to refresh these indoor environments. If your shoes smell, wrap a solid soap in a kitchen towel and put it in stinky shoes for one night until morning. In the morning you see that there is no bad smell of shoes

Easier to work with screws:

If you want to screw up home appliances and work hard, get some solid soap. Apply the screw head to the soap and then get started.

Keeping furniture from animal gases:

If you have a dog or cat in your house and they bite and damage the furniture in the house, soap is a good solution for you. The animals do not like the smell of soap. So it is best to apply a little soap to the places where these animals usually bite and let it stay on home furniture.

Fill the holes in the walls:

If there are nail holes on the wall of your home, take a white soap and draw on the hole to fill it completely.

Different sewing works:

You can sharpen the sewing needles on the soap. At the same time, soap can help you draw different lines on the fabric when sewing. You can even use a soap mold as a spy.

Detecting the location of the gas leak:

If you feel that your home’s gas pipe is leaking, draw a little wet solid soap on the pipe to find the leak. If there were soap bubbles in any part of the pipe, you would have found a leak.

Remove the glasses vapor:

The foggy glasses of the glasses are a breeze in the winter. If you wear glasses, soap can help. Put some soap on the glass of your glasses and wipe it with a kitchen towel. Rest assured that you will never face such a problem again.

Remove the ring or ringtone:

If your ring or ring is tight and it seems difficult to get it out of your hand, don’t worry. Apply a little soap on your finger or hand and then pull out the ring or bangle.

Remove the wallpaper of the house:

If you are thinking about changing your home decoration and want to make old wallpapers for your home, don’t worry. Combine a soap mold with warm water and make a foamy solution. Draw it on your walls and old wallpapers are quickly removed.

Remove the glass jars:

If you have a glass or plate or glass jar broken around the corner of your home, don’t worry. Soak a solid soap mold and draw it over that part of the ground. This will help you assemble the jars easier.


If you want to shave, you can use a soap mold instead of liquid or shaving foam to prevent damage to your skin.

Relieve skin swelling:

If an insect bites or bites, apply a little solid soap on the bite to relieve the discomfort of your skin, as well as relieve pain in the area.

Make skin scrub:

Grab some solid soap to make a skin scrub and combine with salt to cleanse your skin.

Who are the biggest consumers of liquid hand soap?

 Who are the biggest consumers of liquid hand soap?Consumers of liquid soap will include all segments of society. You can’t find someone who doesn’t use soap. We all need it in life. In the past there was only solid soap on the market. Solid soaps have become less and less popular in the past, and people are less likely to turn up. Buying solid soap has its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the most important benefits of most solid soaps is to keep the skin soft and prevent cracking. But solid soaps have a big disadvantage as well, they can carry some of the diseases, so it doesn’t make sense to use soaps in places where many use soap, such as public toilets. This also applies to bathrooms, and solid soaps in bathrooms should not be shared.

How liquid hand soap produce?

There are three ways to make Iranian liquid hand soap:

  • Cool method.
  • Half boiling.
  • The method is quite boiling.
  • Cool method:

In this method, the oils and fats are blended directly with the required amount of NaOH (caustic soda) at normal temperature, this mixture is exothermic and the heat is sufficient for the reaction to proceed. At this stage, mix the mixture to make it concentrated and bulky. They are then transferred to the mold, which takes about 24 hours to complete the rest of the saponification reaction. After the mold is opened, the soap turns into a mold.

  • Half boiling:

In this way, the soap is practically boiled to complete the soap reaction. They pour the required amount of oil into the boiling pot, where the caustic soda is mixed. The resulting mixture (soap ingredients) is then boiled at a constant speed until all of the mixture is paste-like, which is then directed to the mold for molding.

  • The method is quite boiling:

This method is mainly used for the production of toilet soaps in large soap factories. In this method, a good mixture of oils and fats is heated in a pot of boiling soap, which is continued by adding a small amount of caustic soda while stirring regularly. When the saponification process is complete, a good amount of brine is added. The bottom layer, mainly the weakly alkaline soap solution, comes out from under the pot. The soap layer is removed and stored in intermediate tanks equipped with steam cover. Soap chips obtained from the above method are dried, stored and stored in a dryer.

Sales Manager Farhad Derakhshani
Phone Number: 09125171719

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